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Artificial Turf – Real World Benefits

The outstanding advantages of artificial turf have created a whole new movement. Over the past few decades, renowned sport fields across the globe have abandoned natural grass for modern synthetic options.

From professional league fields to exclusive arenas and Olympic stadiums, it is clear to see that the advantages of artificial turf make it the better option by far than its natural counterpart.

Advantages of Artificial Grass

Let’s have a look at some advantages of artificial grass:

  • Minimal Maintenance – One of the most critical advantages of artificial grass is low maintenance requirements. Once the synthetic lawn is installed, it will require little to no additional maintenance. No mowing, plucking out weeds, or spraying the grass with pesticides.
  • No Puddling – To install the turf, the experts roll out and smooth the ground to eliminate valleys or grooves where water puddles could accumulate. Drainage systems are also created through irrigation channels during the installation process, virtually eliminating pooling and puddling.
  • Drought-proof- Unlike real grass, which needs constant irrigation to thrive, synthetic turf doesn’t. The only water this “fake grass” requires is an occasional rinse, to remove dust accumulation and odors. This grass was created for dry and drought-prone areas; lack of rain or water restrictions do not affect it in any way.
  • Resistant to High Traffic – In sport fields and stadiums, a high volume of foot traffic is a given. This can lead to the creation of patches, pathways, and bare spots in a natural grass arena. Here’s where synthetic grass comes in to save the day. One of the most significant advantages of artificial grass is the fact that it can withstand the foot traffic of thousands of people without flattening out or dying, as with real grass. Its blades resist the pressure and bounce back almost instantly.
  • Cost Effective – We can’t talk about the advantages of artificial grass without mentioning the cost benefits. For most people, this is the most prominent feature of the grass. Who doesn’t like to save some money? The initial purchase and installation cost is all you will have to spend.

Synthetic grass requires no seeding, minimal maintenance, and no fertilizers, which means you will not incur the costs associated with real grass. What may appear to be an expensive initial investment will pay for itself within a couple of years.

  • No Health Hazard – Because artificial grass isn’t grown, it doesn’t require a ton of fertilizers and harsh chemicals. Fertilizers pollute the environment and can pose a health hazard through toxic emissions. Synthetic grass is a better option, especially if you have young kids playing in the fields.

How Do You Maintain Synthetic Turf?

We already mentioned low maintenance as one of the critical advantages of artificial grass. But how exactly is this turf maintained?

Well, it’s pretty simple. Every once in a while (we suggest after every two weeks), spray the turf with a hose to remove dust particles trapped between the blades. To remove leaves and debris, brush over the lawn with a flexible, non-metallic rake.

Is Artificial Turf Better Than Real Grass?

As you can now see, after reviewing all the advantages of artificial grass listed above, you can understand that, yes, this fake turf is better than the real deal.

However, before you make the purchase decision, identify a great brand with good quality grass, and one that also offers installation services. Find out about more features that can improve the quality of a sports stadium here.